
Business Committee:  The Business Committee helps us be good stewards of our facilities.  They oversee the maintenance of our church building and parsonage, keeping them in proper shape for us.


Deacons:  The members of our Board of Deacons are responsible for the spiritual life of our church.  In concert with our pastor, they plan our weekly worship and special worship services that include baptisms and celebrations of Easter, Christmas, and Pentecost.


Missions Committee:  Our Missions Committee leads us in serving those in need both in our neighborhood and across the globe.  The Committee organizes collections that support relief efforts around the world as well as mission trips where volunteers from our church rebuild after natural disasters.


Religious Education Committee:  Proverbs 22:6 says “Train a child in the right way and they will not stray.”  The Religious Education Committee leads by lesson and example the right way; God’s way for our children to go.  They organize weekly lessons, missions projects, music programs, guest speakers and a whole host of surprises that develop our children’s relationship with Christ.  The children of our church aren’t just taught the lessons of the Bible, but are invited into a relationship with God that will sustain them for their whole life.


Music Committee:  The Psalmist invites us to “Make a joyful noise unto the Lord” in Psalm 100, and our Music Committee makes that possible for us.  They help support our adult choir, children’s choir, and support an annual Christmas Cantata that draws singers from our wider community.  The Music Committee’s work enhances and enriches our worship experience as they embrace many musical styles.  We are blessed to have such a vibrant music ministry in our community.


Flower Committee:  The Flower Committee sees to it that flowers are placed on the altar for every worship service.  They organize special flowers during Christmas and Easter, and provide people to place flowers on the altar in memory of loved ones.


Stewardship Committee:  The Stewardship Committee inspires us to be faithful stewards of what we have been given.  They remind us that all we have is a blessing from God, and that blessing is to be shared with others.  As we grow in our giving, our Stewardship Committee invites us to grow in faith.


The Church Council:  Our Church Council meets quarterly to coordinate the activities of our busy church.  Representatives from the various Committees work together to be sure that we are all pulling in the same direction.  The officers of the Church Council provide the leadership that we need to continue to follow in the paths Christ leads us.